How to get paid more for your experience and skills at work

In situations of desperation, it’s sometimes so easy to grab at the first solution that presents itself.

When it comes to our careers this desperation can show up when we accept jobs that we know we are overqualified for or simply over staying in a role we have outgrown.

In our hearts, we know that we deserve so much more and to be justly rewarded for our experience and skill. However, because of this desperation instead of continuing our search for an optimum resolution for our situation, we stay stuck.

There is nothing wrong with getting into what I call bridging the gap role, however staying stuck, becomes a different story and signals to me that you are experiencing underlying desperation we need to explore and expose to help you move forward.

For some professionals their talent and ability speak for themselves, however, they scare themselves with an imagined period of financial difficulty and settle for their current underpaying job role because it’s what they know and it is now a comfort zone.

Stop fighting to keep a job role that earns you less than your effort, experience and skill deserve.

These 5 tips will help you to move forward in the direction of earning what you deserve.


1.Give yourself permission to receive the compensation that aligns with your experience and skill level.

Once you do that you open yourself to having the right conversations that move you towards your compensation goals.

2. Request a re-evaluation of your job description

This is pertinent especially if you have been in a job role more than 6-10 years. Some jobs evolve in the course of your tenure beyond the old job description. This is a great opportunity to ask for a pay rise that considers how far the job has evolved over the last 6-10 years.

3. Apply for a new job

Searching for a new healthcare role that will give you the compensation you need is a great investment of your energy.

4. Practice Patience

Finding the job that pays you want you want can be difficult sometimes, so have faith and keep pushing through until you find an organisation that is willing to pay you fairly for your experience and skill.

5. Stay committed to your value.

Knowing what you bring to the team and to the organisation makes it easy for you to stay committed to getting the right compensation for you.

I hope you find this weeks blog useful to getting unstuck from your current role and into your next role.

It will be beneficial for you to also reflect on the kinds of situations that sometimes threaten your self-belief?

Write them down and think about how you can manage those situations to your benefit.

P.s. I support healthcare professionals to thrive at work and level up their careers? I have helped many health care professionals to level up into exciting management level roles across health and care organisations.

This is what one of my clients had to say:

Hooray!! I managed to get a good post in the health sector. Thank you, Beaulah, for your help. You have opened my eyes to see the best aspects of my professional experience and market myself in the most attractive way possible to potential employers. You helped me plan my career, and you motivated me to look upwards and forward. Thank you. I am looking forward to working with you, long term – Thandi

You can claim your free 1hr career coaching call with me today. I can’t wait to speak with you.


Beaulah Chizimba is a Career and Leadership Facilitator and Trainer

She writes about career and leadership strategies for personal, professional and team performance.