End Procrastination Before Opportunities Pass You By
This week I was reminded of a story about a highly experienced professional I supported to get clear on their value proposition and develop an outstanding selling statement. To my surprise, after having done the work with ample time to submit the three applications, when I called to follow up on their progress, they had missed the application deadline.
A lot of professionals are held back on developing their careers and applying for their dream job roles because they procrastinate or believe they don't have the time to pursue career development.
Procrastination is the root of unachieved career dreams and success. It's the most critical factor between you and the dream career you've set your eyes on. But somehow it isn't easy to eliminate it for a lot of people.
For some reason, delaying the tasks at hand is so appealing. The sense that there's enough time to get things done can be misleading. It can be the difference between outstanding success in getting your dream job and unmet career goals.
“End procrastination once and for all by slowly taking some steps towards a renewed approach to your career development:”
1. Prioritise opportunities.
If something isn't important to you, you'll probably spend very little time trying to achieve it. That reality is the basis of your priority list. Make a list and start at the top. The achievements that matter most belong at the top. Everything else can fall whenever. And that might even mean falling off the list! The question becomes - Is your career development high up on your priority list?
2. Break down tasks into achievable small steps.
It's easy to put things off because they seem too overwhelming. Job searching can get overwhelming if you don't have a road map. Your instinct may be to shy away from things that are too complex. You can fix this by breaking down your tasks. This makes the process seem more attainable.
Set small daily tasks - make a list and give yourself some time each day to work towards the submission of your job application; reading an industry-related/career success book or taking an online course.
Once you've checked something off your list; you'll be one step closer to your career goal. The feeling of progress is incomparable!
3. Renew your commitment each day.
To stay on track, maintain a commitment to the career goals you have set. Renew your commitment each day.
When you wake up, remind yourself of your career goals. Take a look at what you're motivated to achieve. The feeling of excitement about achieving the desired goal is continuously alive. It would help if you reengaged it regularly.
This exercise also helps you to maintain focus on what's important to you. You may even find that the spark of your career goal fades. This can happen when you realise something you thought was important isn't.
Daily renewal helps you to zone in on what means the most to you.
4. Reward yourself for each achievement you have made on the daily list.
It's essential to keep yourself engaged and focused on the goal. A great way to do this is to reward yourself. As you achieve each small task, celebrate the progress you've made.
Make a significant effort to celebrate your achievement. A half-hearted effort isn't enough. To maintain commitment, you have to reward yourself well every step of the way.
Treat yourself to something you've always wanted. Maybe in the past, you avoided spending on it because it "wasn't worth it." But now you have every reason to go get it!
Being kind to yourself is the best way to motivate a continued focus on your career goals. When you know there's a reward at the end; you'll likely commit every ounce of effort necessary.
There are more than enough reasons for you to go after your career goals. If you're honest with yourself, you can easily list them all on a piece of paper.
Maybe you want to be the go-to in your team for specific knowledge in your industry?
Maybe you want to be considered for a promotion in your team?
Maybe you want to apply for a management job in another company?
Maybe you want to increase your income and are ready to apply for a higher paying job?
Focus on doing something to move toward your career goal today. Leave tomorrow for a celebration of today's success!
Did you know that I help professionals grow leadership potential, land management roles and thrive in their first 90 days? Claim your free 1-hour coaching call here.