Limitless Nurses

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Four ways to harness this year and make 2020 your best year yet!

It’s that time again at the beginning of every year where we all review our goals and set new ones for the year ahead.

In my opinion there four key elements that help make most goals come to fruition that you need to think about as you strategise and execute the rest of the year.

These four things will help you make the most of this year and will see you finishing strong if you take note of them and become intentional about how you approach and apply them to your life.

1. Desire

Get a grip on your desires. What do you really need your life and career to look and feel like in the next one to five years.

2. Focus

What are you focusing on this year in regards to your career advancement? Dont waste your energy on things and people that are not a part of your 5yr career plan. Remember, you can only know what to focus on if you know where your going in the next 5 years. Join me and other ambitious women on the 23rd January at 10am and make a plan then focus on the bigger goals. Email me here to join:

3. Time

How you spend your time this year will impact your 5 yr growth and goal plan. What is your attitude towards time? Are you laissefaire about your 24hrs in a day? If this is you, it's going to cost you in 2020. Direct your time where it needs to go so you can get traction on those growth and goals plan.

4. Money

This is old! But maybe I need to spell it out to you again. Tell your money where to go. Do you have a yearly budget for your career advancement? It doesn't matter how much you set aside for your personal and career growth whether it is £250 or £5000, the important thing is that you add value to yourself and direct your money in the areas you want to grow.

I hope this is useful and has given you things to think about as you plan how this year goes towards your short and long term plans.